Oral Cancer


Oral cancer, which can be deadly, is diagnosed in approximately 30,000 Americans each year .

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About Oral Cancer:

Oral Cancer Screening in Pembroke Pines, Florida

Most people are surprised to learn that one American dies every hour from oral cancer; a death rate that has remained virtually unchanged for more than 40 years. In fact, recent statistics published by the American Cancer Society indicate that while the incidence and death rates for cancers overall has decreased, the incidence of oral cancer has increased by 5.5% and the death rate has increased by 1.5% Oral cancer is far too often discovered in late stage development, the primary reason for the consistently high death rate. Oral cancer treatment often results in disfiguring effects on patients, and can seriously compromise their quality of life. Early detection and diagnosis can make a tremendous difference in life expectancy; oral cancer is 90% curable when found in its early stages. Unfortunately, 70% of oral cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, III and IV, leading to a five-year survival rate of 57%.

About ViziLite Plus:

ViziLite Plus as part of a comprehensive oral screening

Oral cancer is one of the most curable diseases when it’s caught early. That’s why the ViziLite Plus exam has been developed. ViziLite Plus uses technology that has proven successful in identifying soft tissue abnormalities in other areas of the body. A ViziLite Plus exam is particularly important if you are at increased risk for developing oral cancer.

The ViziLite Plus exam can help your dentist or hygienist identify abnormal tissue, that might develop into oral cancer.

An annual ViziLite Plus exam, in combination with a regular visual examination, provides a comprehensive oral screening procedure for patients at increased risk for oral cancer. The ViziLite Plus exam is painless and fast, and could help save your life.

ViziLite Plus is performed immediately following a regular visual examination

First, you will be instructed to rinse with a cleansing solution

Next, the overhead lighting will be dimmed.

Then, your dental professional will examine your mouth using ViziLite Plus, a specially designed light technology.

How ViziLite Plus Works ?

As with most serious diseases, early detection is the key to successful outcomes. Unfortunately, the problem with oral cancer is that approximately 70% of the time it is not visible to the dental professional until it has reached an advanced stage. ViziLite Plus technology assists your dental professional in seeing abnormal tissue in the mouth, before it is plainly obvious.

As ViziLite Plus passes over oral tissue that has been treated with the rinse solution, normal healthy tissue will absorb the light and appear dark, abnormal tissue will appear white. The purpose of using ViziLite Plus is to identify tissue changes at their earliest stage; once abnormal tissue has been identified it is up to your dental professional to determine what the appropriate next steps are.

Oral cancer screening in Pembroke Pines, Florida

Oral cancer is cancer found in the oral cavity (the mouth area) and the oropharynx 

(the throat area at the back of the mouth).

Oral cancer, which can be deadly, is diagnosed in approximately 30,000 Americans each year, according to the American Cancer Society.

The oral cavity includes the following:


  • The lips, teeth, and gums
  • The lining inside the lips and cheeks (buccal mucosa)
  • The floor of the mouth (under the tongue)
  • The top of the mouth (hard palate)
  • The small area behind the wisdom teeth


The oropharynx includes the following:


  • The back one-third of the tongue
  • The soft palate
  • The tonsils
  • The back of the throat


The Deadly Statistics

Every hour of every day, one American dies of oral cancer.

The mortality rate associated with oral cancer has not improved significantly in the last 40 years.

The death rate in the United States for oral cancer is higher than that of cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, cancer of the brain, liver, testes, kidney, or ovary.

More than 30,000 Americans will receive an oral cancer diagnosis this year. In five years, only 57% will still be alive.

27% of oral cancer victims do not use tobacco or alcohol and have no other lifestyle risk factors.

What causes Oral Cancer? The main causes of oral cancer include the following:

Tobacco use (80 to 90 percent of oral cancers are caused by smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and dipping snuff)  Alcohol use

Other causes of oral cancer may include the following:

Leukoplakia a condition characterized by a whitish patch that develops inside the mouth or throat.

Erythroplakia a condition characterized by a red, raised patch that develops inside the mouth.

Excessive sun exposure, which, like elsewhere on the body, can cause cancer on the lip

What are the symptoms of Oral Cancer?

The following are the most common symptoms for oral cancer. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:


  • A lip or mouth sore that does not heal
  • A white or red patch on the gums, tongue, or lining of mouth
  • A lump on the lip or in the mouth or throat
  • Unusual bleeding, pain, or numbness in the mouth area
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Pain in the ear
  • Change in voice
  • A chronic sore throat
  • Feeling as if something is caught in the throat
  • Pain or difficulty in swallowing or chewing


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